Shape Corp offers a wide variety of opportunities for employees in Engineering, Manufacturing, and Shipping fields. Shape Corp cares about their employees and wants to see them succeed. Shape Corp desires that employees share their knowledge and ideas and will help them develop their knowledge and ideas through training and development opportunities. Shape Corp honors the New Life card and is excited to help you find a role in their company that will set you on the road to a successful career!

Tubelite was nominated for this directory by the MDOC with the help of Michigan Talent Investment Agency. Tubelite operates by 7 core values: Integrity, Customer Focused, Employee Involvement and Ownership, One Team, Accountability, Respect for the Individual, and Safe Work Environment. Tubelite respects their employees and will treat them fairly regardless of their background, experience, race, religion, gender, national origin, capability, sexual orientation and age. A career at Tubelite offers the opportunity to create exceptional experiences for customers and will give you the balance you need in your life to do great work and foster a healthy lifestyle.